Dottore Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:31 am
While building the first BT-7 I decided to build another one...this time in Russian 4BO (and not whitewashed)since the kit goes together quite fast without the need of excessive detailing...(though I did add a couple of cables and small details). It also gives me a chance to experiment further with overhead lighting/modulation technique. I tried to push the highlights as far as possible...we see how this will turn out (decently hopefully!). This model was primed in Tamiya white primer and the base colour is already paler compared to the whitewashed BT. My mixture for 4BO is nothing too fancy...equal parts of Tamiya Olive Gren and Tamiya Yellow Green...with some Clear to give it a satin sheen...
All comments welcome!
PS As always beware the lousy pics!
Last edited by Dottore on Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:56 am; edited 4 times in total