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el manolo
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    Introducing myself!


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    Introducing myself! Empty Introducing myself!

    Post  KarlJDM Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:06 pm

    Hello everyone,

    Some of you may have noticed a new face at the club these last 2 Wednesdays. Well, that was me and before beginning to share my thoughts on other sections of the forum, I decided to introduce myself.

    My name is Karl Briffa, 32 years old and my interest is in cars. I've been building cars for quite some years now, however different priorities in life meant that in all these years I have only built around 12 cars in all  Embarassed I also have a specific type of cars that I build.. in real life I am addicted to Japanese cars so when it comes to choose my next build, I always choose a Japanese car in 1:24 scale. First cars I built were very basic, just spray and put together but I've dedicated a lot more time and effort in my latest builds, trying to add as much details as my eyes and hands allow me!

    I have been away from the hobby for the past 19 months because of several various house renovation works I had to do at our new home.. but now that I'm settling down, I'm looking very forward to start building again.. and that's the reason I joined SSM.. seeing all the amazing work you guys manage to create would be a BIG push forward for me to begin once again!

    Sooo, that's all from my side. Next I will try to create a topic to show you some of my builds which I'm looking very forward to display along side the other car guys at the next exhibition.

    Thanks goes to everyone that welcomed me at the club in these past 2 Wednesdays,

    Karl  cheers
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    Post  skyhigh Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:44 pm

    Wellcome aboard Karl ... I did not know if we met at the club , or I don't know your name at all ha ha... but Your most wellcome........... cheers 
    el manolo
    el manolo

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    Introducing myself! Empty Re: Introducing myself!

    Post  el manolo Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:02 pm

    Hekk mela! Is-section taghna nistghu nghidu li ssahhet bl-aqwa talent lokali li hawn bhal issa  Very Happy Issa kull ma jonqos progett gdid biex nwerwru lil kulhadd, specjalment dawk ta' Telford.

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    Post  Gordon Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:34 pm

    Well come aboard Karl .
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    Post  bcauchi Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:17 pm

    Hi Karl, welcome aboard. Show us some of your work.

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    Post  Tancred Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:22 pm

    Welcome Karl  cheers 

    "Ghamel kollox bis-serjeta', imma tiehux kollox bis-serjeta"

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    Introducing myself! Empty Re: Introducing myself!

    Post  Ray Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:48 pm

    Welcome aboard Karl  cheers 

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    Introducing myself! Empty Re: Introducing myself!

    Post  KarlJDM Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:59 am

    Thanks for the welcome guys, appreciated  cheers 

    Will create a new topic in the Motor Vehicles section later on today to show the cars I've built so far  Wink 


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    Introducing myself! Empty Welcome

    Post  Dottore Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:20 pm

    You and the other car modellers are relatively new additions to our club so we are all very happy of you guys. As we like to say in our club...welcome and don't be a stranger Smile


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    Introducing myself! Empty Re: Introducing myself!

    Post  KarlJDM Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:26 am

    Thanks for the welcome Dottore.. I'll do my best not to be a stranger Embarassed and get to know most of you at the exhibition Wink 
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    Post  ferraribert Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:30 am

    After a looooooong wait I can finally say welcome my friend.

    You joined at the right time, next week it the annual exebition and there is no better place to get to know each other.


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    Introducing myself! Empty Re: Introducing myself!

    Post  KarlJDM Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:26 am

    Thanks bert, this time I'm here to stay  Laughing 

    Yes I'm looking very forward for next week to take part in the annual exhibition  Smile 

    And thanks everyone for the welcome yesterday, was nice talking and get to know some of you a bit better  cheers cheers

    Last edited by KarlJDM on Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:30 am; edited 1 time in total
    el manolo
    el manolo

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    Introducing myself! Empty Re: Introducing myself!

    Post  el manolo Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:27 am

    We are waiting eagerly for your next build!  Wink 
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    Post  bcauchi Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:13 am

    I second that, your work is inspiring.
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    Post  iCocker Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:15 am

    Nice to meet you yesterday, sorry we spoke for a short break but we were kind of busy playing with mud Wink

    Great to see the civilian section enriched with another very keen dedicated modeller!

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    Post  olivermifsud Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:22 pm

    welcome aboard karl

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    Post  KarlJDM Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:20 am

    Once again, many thanks for the kind welcome guys.. looking very forward to meet you all as from tomorrow at the exhibition  Cool 

    Manuel and bcauchi, my next build will be the Evolution VII by Fujimi.. not a great kit but should get me back into the hobby  Smile 
    el manolo
    el manolo

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    Introducing myself! Empty Re: Introducing myself!

    Post  el manolo Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:22 pm

    U ghamel xi haga ewropea! Hallik mis-2nd class tal-Gappun :p

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    Post  KarlJDM Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:00 am

    Manuel, bhal ma dejjem ghidtlek, minix kontra karozzi ewropej u kif nibni l-karozzi gappunizi kollha li ghandi f'mohhi, ser nibni xi haga ewropeja.. il-problema hija li l-lista tal-gappunizi li nixtieq hija twilaaaaaaaaaa hafna! U b'kumpaniji bhal Aoshima li l-hin kollu johorgu karozzi gappunizi godda.. il-lista dejjem qed issir aktar twila!!  Laughing 

    U meta tghid 2nd class tal-gappun.. qed tirreferi ghal GT-R ukoll?? Il-karozza mlaqqma mad-dinja bhala Godzilla?? Hehe  Laughing Laughing 

    el manolo
    el manolo

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    Introducing myself! Empty Re: Introducing myself!

    Post  el manolo Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:56 pm

    design wise kollox kkupjat mil-ewropa Very Happy L-Lexus forsi ghandi xi still xi ftit originali.

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