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    Rob's V100/M706


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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Rob's V100/M706

    Post  orb Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:54 pm

    as there is one of these already in the group build, it's inspired me to get out my part built one and get moving on it

    as with Matthew, it was intended as an OOTB project, principally to test some modulation painting, but having got hold of the Squadron Signal Walk Around for this vehicle, little bits just needed a little bit of extra work.....

    obvious things are replacement brass wire handles - the kit ones are way thick.....I was determined not to use any etched brass on the kit, but I did use some sheet brass for one or two pieces.....Eduard put their instruction manuals online in PDF format so I could see how they approached their parts..
    Rob's V100/M706 Build_3
    Rob's V100/M706 Build_1

    Rob's V100/M706 Build_6
    Rob's V100/M706 Build_2
    Rob's V100/M706 Build_7

    I carved edges to the suspension leaf springs......when I look at photos of these vehicles from the front they are quite noticable, IMHO. I also carved the bolts that hold on the axles......the original was just flat. OK, it's underneath..... Rolling Eyes
    I've also managed to adjust the front wheels so they can be turned....I think that will add just a little bit more interest to the finished
    I added a small winch in a scratch built box and rounded off the winch rollers.....

    The tool rack was detailed:
    Rob's V100/M706 Build_4

    and the Trakz wheels.....
    Rob's V100/M706 Build_5

    I'd love to do this one with open hatches and I love interiors....but TOO MUCH WORK! Smile

    I want to put a couple of figures next to it at some stage.....

    well....thats me right now.....I'm definately in

    If you spot something I might have missed, please say so. Don't hold back....

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    Posts : 3172
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    Age : 50
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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Re: Rob's V100/M706

    Post  iCocker Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:03 pm

    Looking good Rob

    I think you should start heading for modulation now! This model has great angles for such a treatment!

    Are you going to use Tamiya?

    Posts : 15
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    Age : 56
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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Re: Rob's V100/M706

    Post  orb Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:14 pm

    cheers Ivan...

    yes....I think Tamiya.....although I'm nervous as I haven't painted a vehicle in years! Actually.....decades.....!!!

    Great angles for modulation....and a vehicle that was reasonably well maintained in the field....but prone to dirt and dust...the pictures I've seen show some colour variation on the OD, but no chipping....

    and of course that wonderful artwork on these things!

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    Join date : 2009-07-21
    Age : 46
    Location : Tarxien, Malta

    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Juicy Rob!

    Post  Dottore Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:54 am

    Thanks for posting...

    The wheels look gorgeous! Have to get a set! Which supplier did you get yours from can you remember? The front and back kit hubs are the same when they should be different right?

    Lovely detail work but you still have more to do! Come on get it finished Rob! cheers

    Gosh I hate cleaning the leaf suspensions in wheeled vehicles!

    Looking forward to more updates Rob! Come on lets splash some paint!


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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Re: Rob's V100/M706

    Post  orb Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:06 pm

    Heh Heh! That's what is needed! positive encouragement! Laughing

    The wheels are from here:

    not cheap.....nearly as much as the kit! But Vinyl.....ugh!

    as to the hubs....I saw the comment on ML about the different front and back and I'm trying to see what the differences are....

    need to write down exactly what I need to do before getting busy with the airbrush.....haven't looked at this in 2 months so need to engage my brain....

    but you got me inspired.....more to come!
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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Re: Rob's V100/M706

    Post  Ray Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:53 pm

    Good one Rob......that is the spirit Laughing

    Posts : 1388
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    Age : 46
    Location : Tarxien, Malta

    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Thanks for the site!

    Post  Dottore Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:46 pm

    Also love what you did with the tool rack! That IS NOT the modified kit item! Cool
    LOvely tools!

    Looking forward for more to come!


    Will we see you at Folkstone this year?

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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Re: Rob's V100/M706

    Post  orb Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:16 pm

    Dottore wrote:Also love what you did with the tool rack! That IS NOT the modified kit item! Cool
    LOvely tools!

    It is the modified tool rack! but the colour balance on my camera, I've just realised, has given it a suspicious resin colour! Razz OK.....the curved bit holding the spade is from some old etch, but the rest is brass shim and wine bottle lead (from when wine bottles really did have lead on them)

    Dottore wrote:Will we see you at Folkstone this year?

    Most definately......and hopefully this will end up as my first ever AFV entry!

    I'm still in debate about the World Expo tho.....


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    Age : 46
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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty World Expo....

    Post  Dottore Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:59 pm

    We at SSM have made some initial enquiries and the cost would be WAYYYY too much to be reasonable...we'd rather go to euro and maybe someplace else...

    Pity as we had a blast of a ti,me at GIRONA last time around!


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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Re: Rob's V100/M706

    Post  orb Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:35 am

    for me it's partly cost and partly's later this school holidays.....
    do I take the family and ignore them? Rolling Eyes cos it's gonna happen!
    or go without them and feel guilty! (although that is a cheaper option! - until we have to have another proper family holiday!)

    Yeah....Euro definately for me...obvious reasons for me

    but Girona....what a blast! And speaking of Girona, I unearthed these:
    Rob's V100/M706 Maltese_Team_Girona

    Rob's V100/M706 Maltese_Team_Girona_1

    and Ray's Tshirt reminded me why it would be a shame to miss an Expo....Boston was my first and the start of my "international" career!
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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Re: Rob's V100/M706

    Post  iCocker Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:37 pm

    Ah Rob, what memories Girona was surely a place to be, till date my best International event, organisation and quality of models ... Swizerland was not teh best choice for us unfortunetly, too much traveling and expenses, would have worked much cheaper going to the States!!!!

    I am really looking foward who shall be teh next countries to challenge for World Expo hosting, hope they choose a destination accesible to all, air and land!


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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Great memories!

    Post  Dottore Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:03 pm

    Thanks for the pic! So many memories. My first international expo too!

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    Rob's V100/M706 Empty Re: Rob's V100/M706

    Post  Ray Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:32 pm

    Great pics of a great event Rob Laughing

    Yes Boston made up for the CRAP of Roma 2002 Sad while Glasgow 2000 was my first Expo where I made a solemn vow not to miss a WE ever again, a vow which I have to break this year I'm afraid for obvious already mentioned reasons Sad

    Great build as well Rob, & really glad you've joined our forum team with this one Twisted Evil

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