The figure will be as designed by the manufacturer with the addition/replacement of a doublehanded battle axe, copied from the 54mm Ifrir which Ivan & also William painted some while ago
Due to this, the wrist had to be cut & twisted a couple of degrees to the left, so that it better accomodated the new thicker leather bound axe handle, to fit in the gauntlet
Also added a moustache so that if any glimpses of that area would be caught thru the thinning & perforating of the great helm visor, a Hospitaller (shave forbidding) would be seen
Added the Saracen helmet which was ready from this dude's Brother thread & also a Saracen sheild which originated as a single female plate earing which I found discarded in a drawer at work & which I carefully removed to "safely dispose of"
I added an MS & Duro lining to increase the area as it will be depicted as shown, face up