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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant


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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:20 pm

    Hi all after selling a couple of my ships builds I had 400 quid burning a hole in my pocket so I bought the above model, also the revell 1 / 12 mustang gt 500 and the foose camaro,these and the Citroen Traction Avant and the italari mefistofeles I am going to be a busy boy ( and that's not counting my on going builds )

    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2015-05-24
    Age : 67
    Location : Halstead Essex uk

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:14 pm

    Hi all well it arrived today and it is mahoosive
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  XUd6LdL
    that is a 1/12 kit box on top of it
    just to give you an idea of its size

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Jt6EtSG
    these are the sprues there are 3 or 4 sprues to each bag just for comparison (the rule devides the too model kits) the camaro has 1 sprue to each bag apart from the black sprues and that has 2 sprues

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  TzKKsGD
    one tip I've already learned do not take the sprues out of the box as you wont get the all back in and shut the lid (unless you have a degree in astrophysics) that is, this is one case where the box is not big enough.

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  Wayne Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:24 am

    Wow, that is BIG.

    Will make a fabulous model though

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Images10
    Bench: Bv 141 B, Ju 87 G-2, Macchi C.205, Arado Ar.234
    Stash: Ju87D-3, Bf 109 E-3, Bf109 F-4/trop, Bf 109 G-10, He219....

    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2015-05-24
    Age : 67
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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:15 pm

    Hi I've been given a superb idea for this, I am going to have it in a barn being readied for a mission by the French resistance with the cross of lorraine and a tricolour on it, the possibilities are endless, need to find some 1/8 figures and things like bren guns or make them from scratch I've been doing some research and this was available in blue irise (which is apparently a course metallic where the flakes aluminum were bigger than modern colours) if I can find I will do it that colour or ac615 blue marine which it was also available in, since I'm on hols from Monday I won't be starting it for a while (lots of other stuff to finish first) but (assuming I can get internet) being on hols will give me lots of time for research.

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:47 pm

    Hi all well I've made a start on this mammoth build (and thats without putting it in a dio) tbh once I looked at the instructions, without Roy Fitzimmonds aka roymattblack dvd I would have closed the box and put it away again.
    I've read loads of reviews on this and they've all said the engine is badly warped and had to use some reinforcing or some such to make it square, I recon I've been lucky as mine has been a perfect fit (so far) I've even taken pics inside so you can see I've used no tabs or reinforcments ats all (I just hope this continues for the rest of the kit.
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  HUxYnGW
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Qew64EW
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  5PoECgY
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  NDzBeWx
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Xynte1v
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  BfSdjMm
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  MePt4Sf

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:55 pm

    Hi all been working on the engine, this kit is awesome, the engine alone has more parts than the whole Shelby kit, just as an example that little nut is a separate part I've put the tin of humbrol paint there as a refrence I had to use my PE pencil to place it, thank god I got Roy's dvd the instruction are so vague (there's a little do hicky lever sticks out the side its only about 3mmx2x2 and from the instructions I had no idea which way up to put it)
    I've primed it and now I can see a few bits if filling I've missed.
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Nt2JG6j
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  FSNCay1
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  BNDuGL6
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  MZFHJ9B
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  UbsMOs6
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  ISD8xI0
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  UPS8J8J
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  FK3B7Z4

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:29 pm

    Hi all more work on this I've not been able to find a definitive colour for the engine (every pic I've seen has been a different shade of green but since I'm using CAT's info for the bodywork I will use that for the engine as well.
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  ZxcikdI
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Dyo7HDG
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Mv2gmEA
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  5AhcWPg
    Thats a 1/24 scale car just to show how big this engine is
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  0tWbRVu
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  ADHwFOh
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  P1db7S9
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  R5M2A4r

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:50 pm

    Hi all a bit of an update, weathered the engine and tried to emulate the oxidization on the ally manifold.
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  CC4cpUI
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  FJ3VK87
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  K6ITQ3h
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  RSjrMUR
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Q80dI2b
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  1dGtj7P
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  2sSFNPi

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    Location : Halstead Essex uk

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Fri Oct 23, 2015 9:50 pm

    Hi all here is tonight's episode, there seem to be a lot of these on the go at the moment (no surprise really it is a superb kit)

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  IbLoaXi
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  OSXygyv
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  4okhhbo
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  IgRUBxc
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  WQBDC79
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  0aOpUdN
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  28XMQ70
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  X7o1r6h
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  KOI0SoS
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  IuXEfoD
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  FRQ0t9r
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  ZMwAOvG
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  9flINOB
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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  bcauchi Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:55 pm

    lovely work that engine looks very real. I like the way you dirtied it, just enough i think. Good work on the exhaust manifold also. Looking sharp.

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:58 pm

    Thanks glad you're liking it
    Here is todays update
    these parts were bent so using Roy Fitzimmods dvd I corrected this problem with stretched copper wire
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  QflJoo1
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  ZkOw5Uy
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  44McFz8
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  MBUr4jG
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  DYOyERl
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  9QcjwCk
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  EL2uQgT
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  X9Rnmik
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  X0Wu7S9
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  CeQJrLu

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:52 pm

    Hi all well the engine is done (well as much as I can do without putting it in the car)
    The next bit is the front chassis and suspension (to be honest I keep looking at the instructions and I'm tempted to box it back up and put it away) looks to be way beyond my meagre abilities, I would start somewhere else on the model and come back to this part but that may cause problems later on I've no idea whether I can start the body without causing problems with the chassis, I will see how brave I'm feeling, this may be as far as this kit goes for me, really not feeling confident at all on the next bit.
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  EUXjZ5o
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  CMR43Wb
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  W2mopNp
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  EK1gDu8
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  HDNCIk6
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  1STG6Y5
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  UddCI9a
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  S01PKnj
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  NxRyyRG
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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  bcauchi Thu Oct 29, 2015 5:04 pm

    Amazing work that is a really nice engine, well done.

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:46 pm

    Hi all here is the next update
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  U1VDitJ
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  ZxaIfoh
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  RIwlYqX
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  HWC7Yvj
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  8CNH9kI
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  QN8iI6j
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  RQgH5Ku
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  StlyI5A
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  41IXKWs
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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  bcauchi Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:22 am

    Great stuff, what are you using for the rust effect, its very convincing, looks real.

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:49 pm

    I'm using the salt method for the main rust and for the blistering and scabbing (I use enamel paints, this wont work on acrylics) cellulose thinners, you need to take great care as it will melt the plastic if you are not very careful I use a small brush and a tiny amout of the thinners and wait for the effect to happen I may do this upto 4 times till I get what I want , I use dirty thinners as it helps to give some staining as well, like I said great care needs to be taken and dont get it anywhere near good paintwork.

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:12 pm

    Hi all here is an Idea of just how huge this is, I thought the GT was big but, and dont forget it still has the rad and bumpers to go on, just look at this.
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  S2kOQ9O
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  WGkK74w
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  QgJkbvw
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  LyYX42G
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  E4CUYsl
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  RBPxEBP
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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  bcauchi Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:34 pm

    Why did you put in so much rust?

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:56 pm

    That's just the base coat hardly any of that will show when I've finished

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:48 pm

    Here is tonights episode. I really, really, really, really love this kit cant wait to start the Mefistofeles if its anything like this.
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Ct0xcxM
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  1GUKCkU
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  7PzN8sO
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  H9OYI4w
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  TfjVWWv
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  TtWMXTi
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  OMGLWpf

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  6KSF1VW
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  SD1VvOz
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  R9hPycp
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  KlC71BQ
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  RMVKZwb
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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  bcauchi Tue Nov 03, 2015 5:50 pm


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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:53 pm

    Hi all here's tonight's bit
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Bkb7ftu
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  4PhQS31
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  BhEmAB0
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  MD2CsFZ
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  K8tHsQQ
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  6HuB8hL

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:03 pm

    Hi all well this steering rack has driven me to hurling this against the wall, I've re-glued it on no less than a dozen times only for it to come off almost as soon as I turn it over, fingers crossed its on for good now, tried a test fit of the engine (I have to say it fitted before, but someone stood on one of the engine mounts (my fault I shouldnt have left it on the floor)when I took it off to do the breaks and clutch pedal linkages) now the engine dosnt lign up on that one so it will have to come off and see whats wrong with it.
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  0qtN24t

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Cb0ex7y

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  OnSJCyp

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  DUDLQD0

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  VgZoC2D

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  6JuWnuD

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  FwG2aeL

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  7U5LYYP

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  V3W4ZgJ

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  OZLO9JN

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  ArSwChP

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  MYhi1lP

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  kpnuts Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:00 pm

    Hi all engine mount sorted some work on the engine bay and a quick try of the body
    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  YCIaofA

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  7VAOe4M

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  MideR8O

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  NdOV8aJ

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  XxOmXTO

    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  D2dRRfC

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

    Post  Cyril. Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:10 pm

    Very nice work, love the detail.

    Coming on well.

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    Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant  Empty Re: Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant

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