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    The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize


    Posts : 208
    Join date : 2009-08-17
    Age : 56
    Location : Zurrieq, Malta

    The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize  Empty The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize

    Post  ascomt Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:37 am

    I am immensely proud to announce that our diorama has won the coveted First Prize in the Premju Ġieħ l-Artiġjanat Malti 2015, a competition organised by the Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business to recognise and award the top Artisan creations.

    The competition, for which there were some 65 applications, was held around an exhibition of the participating artefacts between mid-December 2015 and mid-January 2016 ( click here ) during which a body of independent judges ( click here ), carried out their difficult task of discerning each and every item to come up with a shortlist for the awards.

    The awards ceremony was held on the 2nd of March 2016 and presided by Hon. Christian Cardona, Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business, who distributed the prizes to the Winners.

    Our diorama participated and won First Prize in Category 1: CRAFTS PRODUCTS, Subcategory E - Most Innovative Product by a Group of Crafts Persons ( click here ).

    This is a true honour for all SSM members and upholds the values of teamwork, dedication and perseverance so highly demonstrated during the days when this project was being carried out.

    Well done to all........truly Well done.


        The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize  12800334_894319844000588_6827674723415316550_n     The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize  12814731_10153494259111849_5242403201383940337_nThe Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize  12783549_894434403989132_4747900425477246463_o

    Last edited by ascomt on Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize  Empty Re: The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize

    Post  skyhigh Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:50 am

    Welldone to S.S.M. I.P.M.S. Malta..

    And and very welldone to all those members that worked with passion for this project and gave all there ability and craftsmanship to achieve such a prestigious award ..Prosit and Bravo...
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    The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize  Empty Re: The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize

    Post  bcauchi Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:14 pm

    Prosit to all involved in the venture. At least our work was recognized, well done.
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    Best in Show

    Posts : 6102
    Join date : 2009-07-21
    Age : 61
    Location : Zurrieq MALTA

    The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize  Empty Re: The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize

    Post  Ray Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:26 pm

    Another feather to add to our hat & a very prestigious one for that matter as we had tough opposition but we prevailed cheers

    God Wills It Twisted Evil

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    The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize  Empty Re: The Assault on the Spur 1565 Diorama wins First Prize

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