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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Ray Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:41 pm

    A belated remembrance of this GREAT DAY Sad

    May our FOREFATHERS who SOLD THEIR LIVES SO DEARLY during the GREAT SEIGE of 1565 to save our souls, REST IN ETERNAL PEACE.......AMEN

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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  alexbb Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:49 pm

    Ray wrote:A belated remembrance of this GREAT DAY Sad

    May our FOREFATHERS who SOLD THEIR LIVES SO DEARLY during the GREAT SEIGE of 1565 to save our souls, REST IN ETERNAL PEACE.......AMEN



    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Guest Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:39 pm

    on this day, that is 8th September 1943, the Italian surrendered, although the armistice was signed on the 3rd, it was publicly declared and effective from the 8th of september.

    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Guest Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:48 pm

    I don't know why we celebrate the 8th of September as the victory of the great seige. It was a battle that Malta acquired nothing from it !
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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Ray Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:10 pm

    RAF wrote:I don't know why we celebrate the 8th of September as the victory of the great seige. It was a battle that Malta acquired nothing from it !

    B'San Bastjan IGGWADAJNA imma ta.....jew b'Maria Regina cheers

    Xejn qabel IMMUTU ahna l-anzjani jew min jibqa l-ahhar qabel dawn, AGHFSU D-DETONATOR pls u ghollu SSM house mas-sema Sad

    X'ma JBAHHRUX BIL-GZUZ LEJN DIN L-ART META JAFU X'HAWN, x'gharukaza ghalik Antoine kif tellajjtli demmi fi grizmejja Twisted Evil

    Last edited by Ray on Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  alexbb Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:19 pm

    RAF wrote:I don't know why we celebrate the 8th of September as the victory of the great seige. It was a battle that Malta acquired nothing from it !
    nothing except survival and self preservation. if it werent for the 8th september we would not be here, most probably some of us would be spread all over north africa speaking arabic and working as slaves

    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Guest Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:23 pm

    RAF wrote:I don't know why we celebrate the 8th of September as the victory of the great seige. It was a battle that Malta acquired nothing from it !

    hold on my friend, what are you saying??????????? You should think again about it.

    1. first of all, the knights and maltese population had no choice but to fight, surrender was not an option as this would have likely led to the entire population being deported as slaves, just as happened to gozo 14 years earlier.
    2. it was one of the most bloodiest of sieges in history
    3. This was the first true defeat of the ottoman empire in a 100 years, and it did put a check on ottoman expansion
    4. It did boost the morale of the christian nations who were still reeling from a great ottoman victory, the sinking of half of the christian fleet at the battle of Djerba 1560.
    5. The knights and maltese heavily outnumbered and under siege fought against a vastly superior force from more than 3 months and held their ground, losing only Fort St Elmo(with all its garrison killed) to the ottomans. (the population having retreated to the fortified cities)

    This event should make us proud, that against all odds we prevailed, as we did in WWII.
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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  iCocker Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:04 pm

    RAF wrote:I don't know why we celebrate the 8th of September as the victory of the great seige. It was a battle that Malta acquired nothing from it !

    Mela biex forsi tghallem ftit HISTORY u halliek mil-jets biss, ftakar ghaliex titkellem bil-Malti u mhux bit-Tork jew Gharbi, forsi ghaliex in-nisa ma jilbsux burka, tixrob birra jew inbid, tiekol perzut u ghaliex fil-klassi ghandna salib u mhux nofs qamar!

    Kieku Malta waqet, l-Ewropa kienet taqa ukoll, L'Ottomani kienu ga rebhu l-Balkani, Noth Africa kollha, Malta kienet li stepping stone biex jiksbu sieqhom ghal Sqallija, Italja u so one ... xi haga li wriet li tista issir meta fil-1943 l-Alleati invadu Sqallija u baqu tilghin ...

    Wara l-Assedju grazzi ghal-Ospitalljeri Malta staniet u kienet meqjusa ta sahha ekonimakament u anke militarment!

    Aparti l-Assedju, 8 ta' Settembru tfakkar il-propja glieda ta' Indipendenza tal-Maltin meta qamu kontra l-Francizi u dawn cedew fil-1800 u dawn minfuq reddawulna ghax riedu icedu lill Inglizi u tajnighhom Malta fuq platt tal-fidda!

    F'WW2 it-8 ta Settembru ijha ukoll l-armistizzju tal-Faxxisti Taljani u l-Flotta Taljana dahlet San Pawl il-Bahar biex icedi!

    Antoine, skuzani imma ISTHI tghid dan il-kliem ... kun kburi b'dak li wettqu missirijitna u qed nafguh illum! Personali din BISS missha hi l-gurnata NAZZJONALI Maltija!

    Forsi ta min taqra id-djarju ta' Balbi dwar l-assedju, jekk trid nislifulhekk , halli tifhem kemm kient glieda bla tregwa u l-Maltin kienu qalbienha!

    Skuzani li rambajtekk imma ma niflahx kumment hekk minn hija Malti!

    Vanni minn Burmula

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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  RayCaruana Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:30 pm

    Prosit Antoine x'hasla qlajt!lol! Imma xorta kulhadd ihobbok ta, serrah rasek. Ahn' hekk ta naqa' zbukkati, bhalek wara kollox Wink

    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Guest Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:46 pm

    Ivan, I agree with you perfectly. Had malta fallen, the rest of europe would have been in danger.

    I cannot understand such comments, and it hurts, after all our fathers blood was spilled for our freedom. We are were we are today because of the past with all its glory and sacrifices, good times and bad times. Forgetting our history will only endanger our future. Malta's history started thousands of years ago, not a few years ago!!!
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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Ray Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:21 am

    RayCaruana wrote:Prosit Antoine x'hasla qlajt!lol! Imma xorta kulhadd ihobbok ta, serrah rasek. Ahn' hekk ta naqa' zbukkati, bhalek wara kollox Wink

    Antoine, din ha tibqalek tebgha fil-pitazz u ha jkollok bzon L-INTERVENT DIVIN TA' Maria Regina BIEX THASSARIELEK lol!

    Appart c-cajt, veru qatt ma bsart li ha tohrog b'xi haga hekk.......kont nistenna hafna ahjar minn ghandek Sad

    Naqbel li din il-gurnata BISS ghandha tkun JUM NAZZJONALI iktar w iktar f'dawn iz-zminijiet ta DLAM li qed jahkmuna........x'ma NAGHJJATX VIVA LA VALETTE jien u diehel mil-Porta del Soccorso u ma jimpurtanix li shabi "the boys in blue" jghiduli mignun u jidhku bija.......huwa jien NAF x'inhoss meta f'dak il-FORTI SAGRU fejn CARCRU DEMMHOM MISSIRIJIETNA GHALINA, jirfes IL-BARRANI MHUX MISTIEDEN Sad

    VIVA MALTA cheers

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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  iCocker Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:23 am

    J.Fenech wrote:Ivan, I agree with you perfectly. Had malta fallen, the rest of europe would have been in danger.

    I cannot understand such comments, and it hurts, after all our fathers blood was spilled for our freedom. We are were we are today because of the past with all its glory and sacrifices, good times and bad times. Forgetting our history will only endanger our future. Malta's history started thousands of years ago, not a few years ago!!!

    Agreed the Ottoman Empire was a treath not only to the Christian Protestant Europe but also to Muslim countries. Slaving muslims is denied in the Islam religion, still the Sultan did not care less for his subjects. After Malta which was the end of the Holy Crusades, then came Lepanto which ended their supremacy at sea and finally Vienna, which stopped their encircilment from the other side of Europe. Nonastando, the Ottoman Empire ended in 1918 when finally Lawrence of Arabia created the Arab League and the revolt against them ... we have to give them credit for being one of the best arch enemies the Hospitallers ever had, the Janissaries created enough tremor by naming them only!

    According to Balbi, the Ottomans taught that the native maltese would revolt against their lords and open their hands to the invader, but as Joe said the Maltese new no submission to the Ottomans and only Maltese and Knights did not cross borders during the siege, they new the fight was gonna be to the last!

    Unfortunetly today our politicians make us forget what the people have done and are proad what their parties and leaders have achieved! Unlike USA as the July 14th is the day they glorify, as that made them a nation! May I take the opportunity that today is Sep11, surely this day changed the face of the world!

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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Ray Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:03 am

    iCocker wrote:
    J.Fenech wrote:Ivan, I agree with you perfectly. Had malta fallen, the rest of europe would have been in danger.

    I cannot understand such comments, and it hurts, after all our fathers blood was spilled for our freedom. We are were we are today because of the past with all its glory and sacrifices, good times and bad times. Forgetting our history will only endanger our future. Malta's history started thousands of years ago, not a few years ago!!!

    Agreed the Ottoman Empire was a treath not only to the Christian Protestant Europe but also to Muslim countries. Slaving muslims is denied in the Islam religion, still the Sultan did not care less for his subjects. After Malta which was the end of the Holy Crusades, then came Lepanto which ended their supremacy at sea and finally Vienna, which stopped their encircilment from the other side of Europe. Nonastando, the Ottoman Empire ended in 1918 when finally Lawrence of Arabia created the Arab League and the revolt against them ... we have to give them credit for being one of the best arch enemies the Hospitallers ever had, the Janissaries created enough tremor by naming them only!

    According to Balbi, the Ottomans taught that the native maltese would revolt against their lords and open their hands to the invader, but as Joe said the Maltese new no submission to the Ottomans and only Maltese and Knights did not cross borders during the siege, they new the fight was gonna be to the last!

    Unfortunetly today our politicians make us forget what the people have done and are proad what their parties and leaders have achieved! Unlike USA as the July 14th is the day they glorify, as that made them a nation! May I take the opportunity that today is Sep11, surely this day changed the face of the world!

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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  alexbb Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:46 am

    Ray wrote:
    iCocker wrote:
    J.Fenech wrote:Ivan, I agree with you perfectly. Had malta fallen, the rest of europe would have been in danger.

    I cannot understand such comments, and it hurts, after all our fathers blood was spilled for our freedom. We are were we are today because of the past with all its glory and sacrifices, good times and bad times. Forgetting our history will only endanger our future. Malta's history started thousands of years ago, not a few years ago!!!

    Agreed the Ottoman Empire was a treath not only to the Christian Protestant Europe but also to Muslim countries. Slaving muslims is denied in the Islam religion, still the Sultan did not care less for his subjects. After Malta which was the end of the Holy Crusades, then came Lepanto which ended their supremacy at sea and finally Vienna, which stopped their encircilment from the other side of Europe. Nonastando, the Ottoman Empire ended in 1918 when finally Lawrence of Arabia created the Arab League and the revolt against them ... we have to give them credit for being one of the best arch enemies the Hospitallers ever had, the Janissaries created enough tremor by naming them only!

    According to Balbi, the Ottomans taught that the native maltese would revolt against their lords and open their hands to the invader, but as Joe said the Maltese new no submission to the Ottomans and only Maltese and Knights did not cross borders during the siege, they new the fight was gonna be to the last!

    Unfortunetly today our politicians make us forget what the people have done and are proad what their parties and leaders have achieved! Unlike USA as the July 14th is the day they glorify, as that made them a nation! May I take the opportunity that today is Sep11, surely this day changed the face of the world!

    im going to sue you for copyright brrech
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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Ray Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:34 pm

    alex wrote:
    Ray wrote:
    iCocker wrote:
    J.Fenech wrote:Ivan, I agree with you perfectly. Had malta fallen, the rest of europe would have been in danger.

    I cannot understand such comments, and it hurts, after all our fathers blood was spilled for our freedom. We are were we are today because of the past with all its glory and sacrifices, good times and bad times. Forgetting our history will only endanger our future. Malta's history started thousands of years ago, not a few years ago!!!

    Agreed the Ottoman Empire was a treath not only to the Christian Protestant Europe but also to Muslim countries. Slaving muslims is denied in the Islam religion, still the Sultan did not care less for his subjects. After Malta which was the end of the Holy Crusades, then came Lepanto which ended their supremacy at sea and finally Vienna, which stopped their encircilment from the other side of Europe. Nonastando, the Ottoman Empire ended in 1918 when finally Lawrence of Arabia created the Arab League and the revolt against them ... we have to give them credit for being one of the best arch enemies the Hospitallers ever had, the Janissaries created enough tremor by naming them only!

    According to Balbi, the Ottomans taught that the native maltese would revolt against their lords and open their hands to the invader, but as Joe said the Maltese new no submission to the Ottomans and only Maltese and Knights did not cross borders during the siege, they new the fight was gonna be to the last!

    Unfortunetly today our politicians make us forget what the people have done and are proad what their parties and leaders have achieved! Unlike USA as the July 14th is the day they glorify, as that made them a nation! May I take the opportunity that today is Sep11, surely this day changed the face of the world!

    im going to sue you for copyright brrech

    WHATEVER lol!

    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Guest Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:32 pm

    alex wrote:
    Ray wrote:
    iCocker wrote:
    J.Fenech wrote:Ivan, I agree with you perfectly. Had malta fallen, the rest of europe would have been in danger.

    I cannot understand such comments, and it hurts, after all our fathers blood was spilled for our freedom. We are were we are today because of the past with all its glory and sacrifices, good times and bad times. Forgetting our history will only endanger our future. Malta's history started thousands of years ago, not a few years ago!!!

    Agreed the Ottoman Empire was a treath not only to the Christian Protestant Europe but also to Muslim countries. Slaving muslims is denied in the Islam religion, still the Sultan did not care less for his subjects. After Malta which was the end of the Holy Crusades, then came Lepanto which ended their supremacy at sea and finally Vienna, which stopped their encircilment from the other side of Europe. Nonastando, the Ottoman Empire ended in 1918 when finally Lawrence of Arabia created the Arab League and the revolt against them ... we have to give them credit for being one of the best arch enemies the Hospitallers ever had, the Janissaries created enough tremor by naming them only!

    According to Balbi, the Ottomans taught that the native maltese would revolt against their lords and open their hands to the invader, but as Joe said the Maltese new no submission to the Ottomans and only Maltese and Knights did not cross borders during the siege, they new the fight was gonna be to the last!

    Unfortunetly today our politicians make us forget what the people have done and are proad what their parties and leaders have achieved! Unlike USA as the July 14th is the day they glorify, as that made them a nation! May I take the opportunity that today is Sep11, surely this day changed the face of the world!

    im going to sue you for copyright brrech

    what breach? Suspect
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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  alexbb Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:53 pm


    kif qed inqazzuwa bil whatever

    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Guest Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:00 pm

    alex wrote:WHATEVER GUS

    kif qed inqazzuwa bil whatever

    ok, I understood whatever you were intended to write, but for whatever reason it turning to be spelling mistake, anyway whatever, whatever whatever

    Last edited by J.Fenech on Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565  Empty Re: Victory Day 8thSeptember 1565

    Post  Ray Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:00 pm

    alex wrote:WHATEVER GUS

    kif qed inqazzuwa bil whatever

    lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

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