Ray Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:13 am
alex wrote: skyhigh wrote:Ah!!! the Germans are unique for administration and marketing....
ah but marco the great german firm of heckler and koch has also been taken over by the british giant BAE SYSTMS SO HAS MOWAG it seems that the british are letting go of civil industires while gobling up aeorspace, technology and military harware as if they where peanuts
This is the benefits that you reap from an informative club and forum such as ours!!
I never knew this thing re aerospace technology and military hardware being gobbled by the British! I was only aware re the other civilian thing of Rolls Royce and other automobiles being gobbled up by the Germans, like PosteMilitaire letting the Italians and Spanish take over and having to close down which like the Rolls Royce issue is a morning matter IMHO.
So it's good to see the British getting their own backs at something at least!!
Marco, I may not be as conservative as you may think Alex is (he's not ta) but I love the British just as much