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in nannu pec
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    Libya experience....


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    Libya experience.... Empty Libya experience....

    Post  Dottore Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:27 am

    Presently I am in Libya with the Malta National Futsal team...

    One fine morning, without prewarning they all gathered us (all the 16 national teams for a 'sight seeing' tour. The tour headed us to a military compound where we were all stripped of our mobiles, camera and bags, passed thru a multitiude of metal detectors, frisked and taken to a building which was allegedly bombed by the US during the US-Libyan conflict. The building is supposedly left tale quale, with remnants of missiles used and even a host of US airforce helmets retrieved from downed aircraft...
    To top the morning off we were all lined by a monument of a huge hand rising out of a Libyan mainland, the hand crushing a plane in its fist with USA written on it...
    Quite an amusing morning for us who thought we were here just to play futsal....

    Regards from Tripoli
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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  iCocker Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:02 pm

    When did Libian fighters shoot down any USA planes ... was not the opposite history? I recall a USA Tomcat [not sure if from the Nimitz but if not mistaken one with the skull and bones motif] shoting down two Sukhois in the 80s ... the bombing was real mate, it is ruomered they took from Sigonella, I had a Maltese friend who at the time was stranded in Libya and experienced the bombing ... but those were bad days during the Cold War and Terrorism, the Reagan the cowboy period!

    Did you manage to see some T72s they are very rare to see and not very fotogenick!

    On another note you should ask them to take you to the tomb of Rais Dragut, that is in Tripoli, and remind them we were who KO and KIA that gallant warrior during the Great Siege!

    Qed tirbhu xi loghba?

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    Libya experience.... Empty Not allowed to go anywhere....

    Post  Dottore Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:40 pm

    so I doubt I can sight full of cheap imitations of branded goods (like Nike football shoes that tear after one game at 20euros)and wherever we go we are escorted by police cars...quite a thing really. Was surprised too at seeing the helmets...I too didnt recall any US fighters being downed...but have to admit im not much informed on that conflict. Gaddafis daughter was allegedly killed in the attackes...Gaddafi himself was the supposed target if I'm not mistaken. There was a whole list of US planes supposed to have taken part in the raids...and two aircraft carriers...I doubt they deployed so much hardware for a couple of raids...will do some research when I get back...connection here sucks...Internet in Libya is only 1 yr old and many sites are barred (eg Youtube)...

    Were into the playoffs for 9-16 a few hours vs Algeria...hoping for a good result!!!

    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Guest Sat Nov 06, 2010 1:43 pm

    Two friends of mine went to libya in mid 90's on an educational tour. They were taken into a building full of pictures of dead libyans after the U.S attack. They were forced to look at the pictures. Btw one of them was wearing a jacket with the U.S flag !

    As far as I know there were no U.S casualties recorded during the raid on Libya.

    Good luck for the tournament !
    in nannu pec
    in nannu pec
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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  in nannu pec Sat Nov 06, 2010 2:24 pm

    QUITE AN EXPERIENCE DOTT affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid
    Good luck with your futsal.....c u soon mate.....
    In nannu What a Face

    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Guest Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:02 pm

    Operation 'El Dorado Canyon' was the codename for the bombing raid on Libya by the US on April 15 1986. This was a combined strike by the USAF, and the Navy with a Carrier strike (USS American and USS Coral Sea). The USAF lost a single F-111F, pilots killed, but how it went down it is still not known, what is sure is that it crashed into the sea off coast.

    Ivan, the Su-22 shot down by F-14s was in Aug 81. The carrier was the USS Nimitz, but the F-14As were not from VF-84(Jolly Rogers) but from VF-41 'Black Aces' which shot down 2 Su-22 with AIM-9L sidewinders. In Jan 1989, a further shooting down of Libyan aircraft occured when 2 F-14 of VF-32 'Fighting Swordsmen' USS John.F.Kennedy shot down a pair of Mig-23 with a sparrow and a sidewinder. Both shooting down happened in the Gulf of Sidra. Further episodes in this gulf region is in March 86 when libyan patrol ships sailed towards the US Carrier battle groups (USS America, USS Coral Sea, and USS Saratoga) when these were operating in the gulf. What followed can be said a full blown engagement, with 2 libyan ships sunk and 2 damaged and several missile fired towards libyan radar and sam sites, and SAMs fired against us aircraft.

    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Guest Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:52 pm

    iCocker wrote:When did Libian fighters shoot down any USA planes ... was not the opposite history? I recall a USA Tomcat [not sure if from the Nimitz but if not mistaken one with the skull and bones motif] shoting down two Sukhois in the 80s ... the bombing was real mate, it is ruomered they took from Sigonella, I had a Maltese friend who at the time was stranded in Libya and experienced the bombing ... but those were bad days during the Cold War and Terrorism, the Reagan the cowboy period!

    Did you manage to see some T72s they are very rare to see and not very fotogenick!

    On another note you should ask them to take you to the tomb of Rais Dragut, that is in Tripoli, and remind them we were who KO and KIA that gallant warrior during the Great Siege!

    Qed tirbhu xi loghba?

    The fact that Dragut was mortally injured during the siege of St Elmo, and having arrived after the St Elmo siege had started is of great military importance towards the outcome of the entire siege of Malta, call it fortunes of war. He favoured taking gozo and mdina first, which had they been attacked would not have lasted long, but given that the St Elmo siege was on, with the fort still standing and costing the turks a high cost he had no choice. He had a great grasp of the strategic and tactical situation and was doing great harm until hit by cannon ball debris shot from fort St Angelo. Although mortally wounded he died just after st Elmo had fallen. Had the turkish leaders followed his advice and taken Mdina, the outcome of the siege might have been different, given that the relatively small forces from Mdina were a continuos torn in the turkish side, and actually saved Senglea from falling at one point. This happened when the knights raided the turkish camp in Marsa killing all they could find. Thinking that this was a large christian force, the muslims broke off the engagement when they had an upper hand and returned to Marsa to find a massacre.
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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Ray Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:17 pm




    Doc Roe, don't open your legs so you'll keep a clean sheet lol!

    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Guest Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:24 pm

    Ray wrote:XORTA KONNA NIRBHULHOM cheers



    Doc Roe, don't open your legs so you'll keep a clean sheet lol!

    I agree, but we shouldn't take certain facts that occured lightly, as the whole story is more complex than it looks. No matter what, in such a situation, I would still stand with the no surrender option, not then, not now, not ever

    p.s. - Doc Roe, don't open your legs so you'll keep a clean sheet lol! - hope he listens otherwise it will be sour grapes, I mean sour lemons for us silent Twisted Evil

    Anyway, good luck for the games cheers

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    Libya experience.... Empty In reply to Ray about clean sheet...

    Post  Dottore Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:27 am


    Dottore cheers
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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  alexbb Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:43 am

    still without a win?

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    Libya experience.... Empty Scores till now...

    Post  Dottore Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:37 am

    Malta v Bosnia 1-8
    Malta v Cyprus 0-5
    Malta v Tunisia 1-4
    Malta v Algeria 1-2

    Next up v Syria on Monday, fighting for places 13-16...


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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Joseph Sun Nov 07, 2010 12:20 pm

    Good Luck for the games!!!!!!!!!
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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Ray Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:59 pm

    Dottore wrote:Malta v Bosnia 1-8
    Malta v Cyprus 0-5
    Malta v Tunisia 1-4
    Malta v Algeria 1-2

    Next up v Syria on Monday, fighting for places 13-16...


    Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad

    At least you managed to shorten the score till the Algeria game Twisted Evil

    Irrelevant of the placing, good luck for the Syrian game cheers
    Noel Petroni
    Noel Petroni

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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Noel Petroni Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:45 pm

    My wife was about 11 or 13 years old the time and she remembers the sound of the bombs and the panic! The all headed for shelter.

    A women neighbor dared to go to her balcony and watch the jets flying by........... a missile exploded close by and her head was severed! Despite of what the Americans said, many civilians died that night.

    The Americans never deliver the truth! Till today it is said that 7000 thousand German POW's were starved to death after the war is US POW camps! If anybody can get a hold of the book Other Losses - by James Bacque is explains all this sad event.

    In his book, Kurt Mayer, an SS offices who spent 19 years in a Canadian prison after the war was helped upon his capture in Normandy by a British officer and advice to change his uniform to a Whermacht one because the Allies were shooting on the spot any SS or Paratroop German soldiers!

    Hope you liked Tripoli, Doc.....I'v never been there myself!

    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Guest Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:26 pm

    Noel Petroni wrote:My wife was about 11 or 13 years old the time and she remembers the sound of the bombs and the panic! The all headed for shelter.

    A women neighbor dared to go to her balcony and watch the jets flying by........... a missile exploded close by and her head was severed! Despite of what the Americans said, many civilians died that night.

    The Americans never deliver the truth! Till today it is said that 7000 thousand German POW's were starved to death after the war is US POW camps! If anybody can get a hold of the book Other Losses - by James Bacque is explains all this sad event.

    In his book, Kurt Mayer, an SS offices who spent 19 years in a Canadian prison after the war was helped upon his capture in Normandy by a British officer and advice to change his uniform to a Whermacht one because the Allies were shooting on the spot any SS or Paratroop German soldiers!

    Hope you liked Tripoli, Doc.....I'v never been there myself!

    Whilst I believe nobody is a saint, it takes two to tango!!!


    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Guest Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:35 pm

    Ray wrote:
    Dottore wrote:Malta v Bosnia 1-8
    Malta v Cyprus 0-5
    Malta v Tunisia 1-4
    Malta v Algeria 1-2

    Next up v Syria on Monday, fighting for places 13-16...


    Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad

    At least you managed to shorten the score till the Algeria game Twisted Evil

    Irrelevant of the placing, good luck for the Syrian game cheers

    Good luck for syrian game!!! cheers Chin up and fight(play) till the end (whistle) What a Face
    Noel Petroni
    Noel Petroni

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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Noel Petroni Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:23 pm

    J.Fenech wrote:
    Noel Petroni wrote:My wife was about 11 or 13 years old the time and she remembers the sound of the bombs and the panic! The all headed for shelter.

    A women neighbor dared to go to her balcony and watch the jets flying by........... a missile exploded close by and her head was severed! Despite of what the Americans said, many civilians died that night.

    The Americans never deliver the truth! Till today it is said that 7000 thousand German POW's were starved to death after the war is US POW camps! If anybody can get a hold of the book Other Losses - by James Bacque is explains all this sad event.

    In his book, Kurt Mayer, an SS offices who spent 19 years in a Canadian prison after the war was helped upon his capture in Normandy by a British officer and advice to change his uniform to a Whermacht one because the Allies were shooting on the spot any SS or Paratroop German soldiers!

    Hope you liked Tripoli, Doc.....I'v never been there myself!

    Whilst I believe nobody is a saint, it takes two to tango!!!

    Although the Americans have developed a skill to tango on their own!


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    Libya experience.... Empty And History is made....

    Post  Dottore Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:34 pm

    After a tremendous battle with Palestine we turned out victorious for the frist Malta National Futsal team victory ever! We fought like lions and considering we scored two goals at the last minute it was tight all along...can say we won our own little crusade...and yours truly man of the match once more!!!! cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers


    Now back to my models!!!!
    in nannu pec
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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  in nannu pec Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:43 pm

    Proset Dott......yeeeeeeessssssssssssss man of the match .....
    In nannu What a Face
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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  iCocker Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:44 pm

    Prosit Matthew! The valuable player of the match ... you deserve it Basketball
    3 -1 that is great better then our national football team ! Safe journey back home mate and hope no Palestine ultras are around!
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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  alexbb Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:59 pm

    Dottore wrote:After a tremendous battle with Palestine we turned out victorious for the frist Malta National Futsal team victory ever! We fought like lions and considering we scored two goals at the last minute it was tight all along...can say we won our own little crusade...and yours truly man of the match once more!!!! cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers


    Now back to my models!!!!

    at last
    are you back on the rock yet

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    Libya experience.... Empty Thursday....

    Post  Dottore Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:35 pm

    I get back...on a minute Libyan Airlines plane...hoping for a better landing than the one which brought us here!!

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    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Ray Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:06 pm

    Dottore wrote:I get back...on a minute Libyan Airlines plane...hoping for a better landing than the one which brought us here!!


    Safe trip & landing Doc Roe, this is no Normandy landing for the match hero lol!

    Libya experience.... Empty Re: Libya experience....

    Post  Guest Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:11 pm

    congratulations for this victory, to you and your team mates cheers

    p.s. - well deserved and congrats for the man of the match title cheers

    p.s. - now that you have won a game, please do so more frequently Twisted Evil

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